梦的创作人,因幡君登场 拉姆的未来将会如何?うる星やつら 夢の仕掛人、因幡くん登場! ラムの未来はどうなるっちゃ!?(1987)

又名:Urusei Yatsura: The Coming of Inaba the Dreammaker! What Will Become of Lum's Future?!"


主演:古川登志夫 平野文 神谷明 

导演:山崎哲 编剧:高桥留美子 Rumiko Takahashi


《梦的创作人,因幡君登场 拉姆的未来将会如何?》(1987)原名《うる星やつら 夢の仕掛人、因幡くん登場! ラムの未来はどうなるっちゃ!?》字幕下载 / 又名《Urusei Yatsura: The Coming of Inaba the Dreammaker! What Will Become of Lum's Future?!"》中文字幕下载

It is summertime, and Shinobu laments not having a boyfriend. She then happens upon a young man weak from hunger, and wearing a rabbit costume. She gives him a carrot, he expresses his gratitude by hitting on her... and she hits back. The young man leaves behind a key to another dimension where everybody's possible futures exist. Lum and Ataru join Shinobu to find the bunny boy, and happy futures for themselves.

梦的创作人,因幡君登场 拉姆的未来将会如何?:最新字幕下载资源

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