铁面无私The Untouchables(1987)

又名:义胆雄心(港) / 不可触犯


主演:凯文·科斯特纳 肖恩·康纳利 查尔斯·马丁·史密斯 安迪·加 

导演:布莱恩·德·帕尔玛 编剧:David Mamet


《铁面无私》(1987)原名《The Untouchables》字幕下载 / 又名《义胆雄心(港) / 不可触犯》中文字幕下载

1920's prohibition Chicago is corrupt from the judges downward. So in going up against Al Capone, Treasury agent Eliot Ness picks just two cops to help him and his accountant colleague. One is a sharp-shooting rookie, the other a seen-it-all beat man. The four of them are ready to battle Capone and his empire, but it could just be that guns are not the best way to get him.

