请寻找我나를 찾아줘(2019)

又名:复仇母亲(港/台) / 找到我 / 请来找我 / 来找我 / Bring Me Home

上映日期:2019-09-05(多伦多电影节) / 2019-11-27(韩国)片长:108

主演:李英爱 刘在明 李源根 朴解浚 

导演:金承宇 编剧:金承宇 Seung-woo Kim


《请寻找我》(2019)原名《나를 찾아줘》字幕下载 / 又名《复仇母亲(港/台) / 找到我 / 请来找我 / 来找我 / Bring Me Home》中文字幕下载

Six years after her son went missing, dedicated mother Jung-Yeon still hasn't lost hope - even after her husband's shocking accident while rushing to follow up on a potential sighting. Although she's in mourning, drowned in despair for her losses, she doesn't give up. Just when everything feels like it's in vain, she hears about a young boy living in a fishing community outside the city who seems to resemble her lost son. Facing strange surroundings and corrupt cops covering up child abuse, Jung-yeon may not be able to handle all the obstacles in her way, let alone fend for herself.

