A Chef's Life Season 4(2016)


主演:Vivian Howard 本·奈特 

导演:Cynthia Hill 


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A Chef's Life Season 4:剧情介绍

影视酷播网为您提供2016年由Vivian Howard 本·奈特 主演,Cynthia Hill 导演的《A Chef's Life Season 4》影视在线观看,《A Chef's Life Season 4》百度云网盘资源以及《A Chef's Life Season 4》高清mp4迅雷下载,《A Chef's Life Season 4》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Spring onions kick off the season in high gear as Vivian takes a break from penning her first cookbook to prepare a benefit dinner at a training ground for beginning farmers. Even though The Avett Brothers make an appearance, the underdog onion steals the show, playing both star and support.
