Happy End(1999)


主演:哈里特·安德森 Stefan Norrthon Robert 

导演:Christina Olofson 编剧:Soni Jörgensen


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Happy End:剧情介绍

影视酷播网为您提供1999年由哈里特·安德森 Stefan Norrthon Roberto Jelinek 亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 丽贝卡·赫姆斯 主演,Christina Olofson 导演的《Happy End》电影在线观看,《Happy End》百度云网盘资源以及《Happy End》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Happy End》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:HAPPY END is a story about Lukas, a self-absorbed young man adrift who meets Marja, an experienced, older woman. Lukas dreams of becoming a rock star. He escapes the city to his father's holiday flat in Visby, a town on the Baltic island of Gotland. But the flat has been rented out to Marja, an eccentric 69-year-old writer determined to complete her memoirs. Nothing can hold her back, least of all a confused dreamer. Much against their will, a friendship slowly develops. But Marja harbors a secret, and when the truth emerges their friendship is put to the test. Their stay on Gotland takes an unexpected turn....
