Second Life(2016)


主演:Danny Steg Danielle Jadelyn Ed 

导演:Emanuel Shechter 


Second Life:在线播放


Second Life:最新迅雷BT资源


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Second Life:剧情介绍

影视酷播网为您提供2016年由Danny Steg Danielle Jadelyn Eduard Genzburg 主演,Emanuel Shechter 导演的《Second Life》电影在线观看,《Second Life》百度云网盘资源以及《Second Life》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Second Life》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Second Life is a VR Metaverse. To deal with growing shortage in storage, human interaction is minimized, and speech is outlawed. An experienced upload technician teaches a young technician to speak, and in an empty world, flickers a spark of humanity.
Plot Summary:Second Life is a VR Metaverse. To deal with growing shortage in storage, human interaction is minimized, and speech is outlawed. An experienced upload technician teaches a young technician to speak, and in an empty world, flickers a spark of humanity.
