四個大姐一個婚禮four sisters and a wedding(2013)

主演:托尼·冈萨迦 Toni Gonzaga/Bea Alonzo/Angel Locsin/莎尔娜·玛格达瑶 Shaina Magdayao/Enchong Dee

导演:Cathy Garcia-Molina 编剧:Vanessa Valdez


四個大姐一個婚禮主演:托尼·冈萨迦 Toni Gonzaga/Bea Alonzo/Angel Locsin/莎尔娜·玛格达瑶 Shaina Magdayao/Enchong Dee, Four sisters try to stop their younger brother's wedding; in the process, all discover resentments among one another.
Four sisters try to stop the wedding of their younger brother and in doing so, all discover resentments among each other.

